Below are all articles from Saucon Voice sorted by published date. You can also sort by using the Categories below or searching for a specific keyword or topic using the search bar above.
Hellertown Borough's Unfortunate Pattern of Financial Controversy
PennLive: Hellertown Police Chief Controversy Isn't the First
Hellertown Police Chief Robert Shupp Resigns Abruptly
A Vision for the Future: Lower Saucon's Fire Service Consolidation Plan
Hellertown Borough Rejects Lower Saucon Library Offer
Pt. 4 - Bethlehem Landfill: Not in My Backyard
Hellertown Borough Facing Budget Challenges Heading into 2024
Pt. 3 - Bethlehem Landfill: Council Approves Easements & Host Agreement
Landfill Leachate Doesn't Enter Lehigh River, says Waste Plant Director
Pt. 2 - Bethlehem Landfill: The Financial Implications
Pt. 1 - Bethlehem Landfill: Facts vs. Speculation
Council Approves Term Limit Referendum
Lower Saucon Council Votes to Repave Steel City
Lower Saucon Council Honors SV Team
Pickleball Comes to the Saucon Valley Community