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A Vision for the Future: Lower Saucon's Fire Service Consolidation Plan

Saucon Voice


In Lower Saucon Township, a forward-thinking committee has been hard at work discussing the fire service needs of the community and planning for a more efficient and comprehensive future. Composed of 10 dedicated individuals, including representatives from Lower Saucon Fire and Rescue, Lower Saucon Township residents, council members, law enforcement, and township management, the committee is driven by a shared goal: to ensure the safety and well-being of Lower Saucon residents while optimizing resources. During its council meeting, Lower Saucon Township heard a presentation from Lower Saucon Fire and Rescue.

The heart of this plan lies in the consolidation of fire stations and equipment. The committee's comprehensive proposal entails selling the Se-Wy-Co Station, selling the Leithsville Station, and selling the land around the Southeastern Station while donating Steel City facilities to the Township. The proceeds from these sales will be allocated towards the construction of a new main fire station and essential substations, facilitating a more streamlined and efficient response to emergency situations.

The committee identified Polk Valley Park as the geographic center of Lower Saucon Township, making it an ideal location for the new main fire station. This state-of-the-art facility will be constructed on Township-owned land and designed with future growth and expansion needs in mind. The decision was also influenced by a thorough analysis of the "fire call volume map," ensuring that emergency response times remain optimal for all residents.

The proposed Polk Valley Main Station is planned to be a modern hub of emergency services. It will boast six drive-through bays, utility areas for equipment, a ready/gear room, offices, bunkrooms with showers, conference and training rooms, a dayroom with a kitchen, and additional storage. Furthermore, this new main station will serve as the Township's 'Emergency Operation Center' (EOC) during severe weather events, natural disasters, or local emergencies. The potential inclusion of a police substation in close proximity to the Saucon Valley School District is also under discussion.

The Township will maintain three substations to ensure comprehensive coverage:

  1. Town Hall Substation: Located at the former Se-Wy-Co Station, this pole building will feature two bays, a ready/gear room, an office, a bathroom, and storage.

  2. Southeastern Substation: The current Southeastern Fire Station will be maintained until future demolition. It will be replaced with a similar building proposed for the Town Hall Substation.

  3. Steel City Substation: The existing pole building will be retained as a substation, with plans to add a bathroom and mechanical room. The existing Fire Station and Social Hall will be managed by the Township.

The estimated proceeds from the sale of Lower Saucon Fire and Rescue properties are approximately $6,200,000. The construction cost estimate for the new main station is approximately $14,820,800, while construction costs and improvements to substations are estimated at approximately $700,000. The proceeds from property sales will contribute roughly 40% of the estimated costs, with additional funding sought through various grants.


To provide an illustration of what a new main station could look like, Lower Saucon Fire Rescue included two local examples in their presentation, Fort Washington Fire Station in Montgomery County, and Warwick Township Fire Station in Bucks County. (This image was used only to show meeting attendees what a modern day fire station can look like. This is not the proposed design for Lower Saucon).

Lower Saucon Councilmember Thomas Carocci lauded the Fire and Rescue's service to putting together a plan to consolidate fire services, as a testament to proactive community planning. By strategically reorganizing fire stations and resources, Council believes the Township can enhance emergency response, reduce costs, and ensure the safety and well-being of its residents into the future.


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