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Northampton County Makes National News with Voting Machine Irregularities

Saucon Voice


As reported by TheGatewayPundit: "Lehigh Valley News has reported several voting machines in multiple districts across Northampton County are down due to 'votes getting flipped and not recording properly'." The news was also covered by The Morning Call.

As one commenter on the article noted, "A Walmart Supercenter has a million items inside the store the register can scan with 99.99999% accuracy. Amazon has 10 million items on their site that a click with a mouse or swipe with a finger, can put in your cart, get routed through a massive warehouse and then ship to you from anywhere on earth. An election machine with 2 names to choose from on it, can't manage it. Election, after election, after election. And people say the game isn't rigged."

A voter who voted at the Se-Wy-Co polling place in Lower Saucon Township stated online:

"Voted, but it was a mess. The county really needs to do a better job, the machines at Se-Wy-Co don't work this morning, so I was handed a provisional ballot, no privacy in the polling booth, you had to sit in the middle of the hall and fill out your ballot in front of everybody and walk through to hand it over to an election worker who would just put it in a pile. The worst feeling about the security and privacy in my 22 years of voting. Then people ask why the public doesn't have trust in elections."

Another resident posted online, "Give yourself enough time if you are voting today. The voting machines keep going down."

Northampton County Executive Lamont McClure is in charge of administering all facets of the election process. Per an article from NBC News, McClure blamed the problem on "a coding error by voting machine company Election Systems & Software, which he said the county's election staff failed to pick up during testing."

A reader emailed, "What is just amazing to me is that just about everywhere in the Lehigh Valley it was a democratic sweep. Even in the areas heavily tilted with more registered R's than D's. How can this be trusted?"

This also is not the first time Northampton County has had problems with the company's ExpressVoteXL touchscreen system, NBC News points out. "In 2019, an incorrectly formatted ballot in a judicial race forced election workers to count to vote on paper ballots."

The current (unofficial) election results for all of the Northampton County races can be viewed by clicking here.


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